Tuesday, June 17, 2008

in time the trees die and light will fade...and that's not okay

"In time the trees die and light will fade. But I hope for a new breath a new life to take me away..."

I came across a band called The Lonley Forest a couple weeks ago. They're a young band based out of Anacortes, Wa. And they seem to be gaining quite a bit of popularity within the explosive indie music scene of the great(er) northwest. The song We Sing in Time from their forthcoming release "We Sing the Body Electric" sings of hope in a "new breath" and a "new life." In the song, time seems to be the enemy that eventually deteriorates the gift of life. But it's not only time. The song also mentions the horrors we create in our own personal lives through drug use and throughout our world in decisions to make war. All of these working to make the light of life fade into darkness.

But the song writing will not allow this to be the final word. The fading is immediately met with a call to hope in life being made new. Life made new...being sung within time. So the song title "We Sing in Time" is appropriate because we should all be singing the song of hope amidst the destructive pattern of time.

This is a universal cry. And we have a universal God who is in the process of answering that cry.

Rev 21:5 - And he who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”

This will serve as my introductory blog entry, and as a template for what will be discussed here. We, the Christian community, need to be reminded of our hope so that we will continue to hope. Without hope we will fade in time with everything else. But we need to sing in time. We need to hope until the day that hope is no longer needed, when only love remains. We need to hope in what Christ is making new. Yes, we need to hope in everything.

Check the song out here as well as others from their new album:

1 comment:

sarakate said...

You should talk to John (Vanduesen-lead singer/writer for The Lonely Forest) he's a really good guy. I think you'd like him; I don't know him very well, but I've met him at a couple of their shows and my bf knows him. You should check out some of their older music. It's good stuff.

Just thought I'd throw in my two cents...hope you keep posting some stuff, it would be interesting to read your thoughts on some theological stuff since you've studied it far more than I have.
Later, Sarakate.